Tracy C. Gold


How to Use LinkedIn to Mine Your Existing Network

I had a great talk with Paul Kirch from BOSS Academy Radio about how to use LinkedIn for your business. We cover do’s and don’ts, how to grow your network, and how to mine your existing network.

Queue this up for the next time you have a long drive, or jump in and listen while you work!


And of course, feel free to connect!

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Writing Classes in Baltimore: Sounding Sea Writers’ Workshop Launches

Sounding Sea Writers' WorkshopIf you want to become a better writer, check out Sounding Sea Writers’ Workshop’s first classes. I started Sounding Sea with three classmates from The University of Baltimore back in January, and we have been working hard to nail down the details and bring these classes to reality.

Here are the first four classes we are offering. I am so excited about these professors! If you can’t make these dates, or don’t live in Baltimore, Sounding Sea also provides personal writing tutors. Email to inquire.

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Essay in Baltimore Fishbowl: White Privilege and Police Brutality

Today, Baltimore Fishbowl published my essay, “On White Privilege, Police Brutality, and Baltimore.”

Here’s a snippet—head to the Fishbowl to read the full article.

“I’m white, and I live in a neighborhood of yuppies near the water in Baltimore City. So, I can’t speak to what it’s like for the folks affected by police brutality. But I can speak to what it’s like to deal with police when you’re a stupid, white teenager.”


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LinkedIn for Writers & Illustrators: 4 Tips

My LinkedIn ProfileFacebook and Twitter get most of the attention as the social networks of choice for writers and illustrators—and they’re great tools! But poor little LinkedIn, sitting quietly in the corner, can also be extremely useful. So, when my local chapter of SCBWI announced that they were doing a blog linkup on the topic of social media, I thought I would chime in on behalf of LinkedIn.

Here are a few ways that I’ve used LinkedIn in my career as a writer. I’ve written many posts and taught whole classes on using LinkedIn, so this is just scraping the surface—but hopefully it will be good motivation for getting started!

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New Short Story: “Pie” Out in Refractions

You can now order Refractions, a collection that includes “Pie,” the first short story I will ever be getting paid to publish! Paying people for producing art? In America? What?!

The collection, Refractions, is geared towards teen readers (which doesn’t mean adults won’t like it). It’s $4.99 for the eBook (it’s a PDF, there’s artwork too), and $9.99 for the print. The publishers, Golden Fleece Press, are creating a lot of really cool books and are awesome for actually committing to paying contributors.

Here’s a little excerpt from “Pie”:

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New Writing: Check Out My 50-Word Story

My story, “Her Boy,” went live on 50-Word Stories today. Check it out! 50-Word Stories is an amazing site; in just a few minutes, you can read several stories that are exactly 50 words long and run the gamut from funny to scary to touching. Enjoy!


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Social Media and Content Marketing Updates Around the Web

Just a quick post to share a few articles I’ve written around the web.

For marketers who are interested in using content to educate current customers, and find new customers, check out “12 Lessons For Focusing Your Content Marketing Strategy on Education” on the Content Marketing Institute’s blog.

For writers, illustrators, and other creatives, check out “5 Ways Writers and Illustrators Can Use Twitter” on the MD/DE/WV chapter of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators blog.


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LinkedIn Help for New Graduates

If you’re a college grad who doesn’t have a job yet, spending your summer searching can be terrifying, demoralizing, and heartbreaking. Yikes. At least you can use all that time at your parents’ place to do something you’re probably doing anyways: hang out Sorry, this post isn't about cupcakes. But it is about graduation!on social media.

I’ve written before about how social media landed me my first job out of college, and I’ve written before about how to use LinkedIn. In this article, which you can read over at Social Media Today, I’ll specifically focus on LinkedIn for new graduates. Sorry I can’t post the full text here; I gave SocialMediaToday an exclusive.

If you’d like some individualized feedback on your LinkedIn profile, I am offering a new graduate special. I will provide detailed feedback and suggested improvements for $25.

If you don’t have much there yet, you can send over your resume, or an informal description of your past and your goals, and I’ll guide you on what to include and how to include it. If you’re interested, contact me at and include some proof that you graduated or will graduate this year, such as a receipt from your cap and gown, your transcript, or an email from your school about graduation.

Note: Thanks to Intero Advisory for all of the LinkedIn wisdom!

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8+ Awesome Web Writing and Editing Resources

Need help on a web writing project? On Tuesday, 3/26, 2013 at Betamore, I’m teaching a web writing and editing workshop. If you’re near Baltimore, sign up!

Edit: The class is over, but you can sign up to get notified for the next one at the end of this post. Also, any resources after resource 8 have been added after the original post was published.

To prepare for the class, I’m compiling a list of resources attendees can draw on long after the class is over, and I thought I would share them here.

Here are some of the many great resources you can use to help you become a better web writer and editor.  I’ll also be posting slides here after the class.

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Come to My Spring Web Writing and Editing Workshop: 3/26 at Betamore

If you missed my last web writing and editing workshop, here’s your chance to improve your writing and editing skills.

I’m holding another interactive workshop on 3/26 from 6-8pm at Betamore in Federal Hill.

We’ll cover how to:

  • Beat writer’s block
  • Avoid common mistakes
  • Edit constructively and effectively
  • Optimize writing for the web

Sign up early, as we’ll be circulating each other’s work beforehand!

Get tickets on Eventbrite. 

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