
Tracy C. Gold


Editing Services

I love working with authors to create powerful writing. Right now, I am focusing on editing books, short stories, and essays. I work on picture books, memoir, literary fiction, young adult novels, middle grade novels, science fiction, fantasy, and assorted non-fictional projects. I offer project-based pricing as well as hourly book coaching. Contact me at tracycgold@gmail.com to find out more about how we could work together.

I also offer writing classes regularly; join my newsletter to be alerted when new classes are available!

Book an On-Demand Edit

Have a short piece of writing that you’d like to get feedback on quickly? You can now book an on-demand edit with me. This edit costs $175 for under 1,000 words, paid half upfront and half upon completion. Edit includes one round of critique with follow-up questions welcomed via email. I will email my feedback to you within two weeks and answer follow-up questions within 3 business days. This edit will include overall feedback and line edits, with level of detail varying depending on what the work needs. For example, if the work needs more overall revision, my overall notes will be detailed and my line notes may be sparse. If the work is in good shape overall, my overall notes will be short and my line notes will be detailed. This is a developmental edit focusing on the bigger picture, not a copy edit or proofread.

To book an on-demand edit, email your manuscript as a Word Document, as well as any context I should know about it, to tracycgold@gmail.com and I will send you the payment link as well as information on editing package discounts, if you’re interested.

I will update this website when I am at max capacity for short edits to keep my turnaround time quick.

The types of manuscripts I have expertise in include:

  • Picture books of all types (rhyming, fiction, non-fiction)
  • Query letters for novels, memoirs, non-fiction, and picture books
  • Synopses for novels/memoirs
  • First pages of novels/memoirs
  • Flash fiction
  • Creative non-fiction, including personal essays and opinion pieces

Resumes and college application essays are no longer an area of focus for me.


Book a Coaching Call

I am happy to chat with you about any questions you have about the writing and publishing world! In my experience, coaching calls work best when in conjunction with an edit, so I have time to deeply consider your work before discussing. If you want me to look at a book live on a call or just talk about publishing, that can be useful too. I normally schedule calls within the East Coast school day, though I have flexibility with advanced notice. I am generally faster with emails and asynchronous work, so I may need a couple weeks to get a call on the calendar, but I would love to find time to connect! I charge $160/hour for phone calls, and 30 minutes is normally great for discussing work under 1,000 words or the publishing industry in general. If you want me to read and respond to a short work on the phone, it’s probably best to plan for a full hour. Reach out at tracycgold@gmail.com to schedule.


See 60+ 5 star reviews on my Reedsy editing profile

“Tracy has a keen editorial eye and does an excellent job spotting ways to fully draw out the potential in an author’s writing. I always trusted her opinion on manuscripts she read for me and was consistently impressed with her insightful evaluations and thorough edit letters. She also has a fantastic, positive personality that makes her a joy to work with. I highly recommend her!”
Carrie Pestritto, Literary Agent at Laura Dail Literary Agency
“Tracy Gold is the kind of attentive editor that finds the better writer inside the average writer and the good writer inside the better writer, bringing the author’s talents to the page without leaving fingerprints. My work on the Baltimore Love Project book was greatly enhanced by her editorship.”
Rafael Alvarez, author, Crabtown, USA and Tales from the Holy Land, staff writer for HBO’s “The Wire”

“I’ll be honest, I didn’t want to change a thing about my book. I was already emotionally invested in my story and thought it needed minor rephrasing at most. When she initially suggested a major change, I had a knee-jerk negative reaction, but (thanks to discussion and her encouragement) I allowed myself the freedom to just EXPLORE her ideas. As a result, I now have two viable books. The new book she helped draw out of me was much stronger and clearer than the original, yet I was able to keep my original intent and emotional connection intact. Tracy was efficient and prompt, even when I struggled to be. I appreciate that she was ready with feedback whenever I was ready to receive it, which kept the creative juices flowing. I highly recommend her and would work with her again!”

–Alyssa B., picture book writer from Reedsy

“If it wasn’t for Tracy’s sharp editorial eye and detailed notes, At First Blush would not be the book it is today. She dug into the manuscript and in no time at all managed to fix issues I’d been worried about for months. Tracy instantly understood my characters and their choices, which helped put the story into perspective for me.”
Beth Ellyn Summer, author, At First Blush 

“Tracy’s keen editorial insights helped me dig deeper with my characters and strengthen plot threads. She’s an expert at identifying plot holes, and she offered great suggestions when I was stuck on a chapter. She delivers feedback professionally, efficiently, and encouragingly. I highly recommend her if you want to take your writing to the next level.”
Rachel Lynn Solomon, author, You’ll Miss Me When I’m Gone


“Tracy is fast, reliable, and a fantastic editor! She’s also extremely knowledge about the industry and is generous and open to answering your questions.”

Jen Michalski, author, “The Summer She Was Under Water,” “The Tide King,” and more

“Tracy knows classic and contemporary literature through and through. Her stellar insights have taken worlds I’ve created and opened them up further, helping me to see them clearly and objectively. Tracy’s thoughtful, detailed, in-depth analysis of my story has rocked my world. I always used to think that all the power brokers and gate keepers in the literary world were found in big cultural centers like New York, LA, San Fran, London, Paris, Tokyo, etc. Who would have thought — Baltimore? Tracy has not only restored my confidence in my own ability to tell a meaningful, cohesive, fully-developed story, but she has also helped me to realize that a great novel can come out of anywhere. It would be an understatement to say that as an editor, Tracy is worth her weight in gold. She is quite simply as brilliant as they come.”

Derrick Credito, adjunct professor of English

Editing Services for Fiction & Non-Fiction
  • Writing coaching: A flexible, hourly relationship where I read your work, provide feedback, answer questions, and talk on the phone as much as you like. This type of relationship works best with short pieces of writing such as short stories, essays, and picture books.
  • Developmental editing: Send me your manuscript and I’ll send you a detailed edit letter and line notes.
  • Editorial assessment: Send me your manuscript and I’ll send you a detailed edit letter.

Services I only offer in special cases:

  • Copy editing: A detail-oriented read focusing on catching errors and ensuring consistency. Includes a few comments on larger issues on the page and scene level.
  • Proofreading: A detail-oriented reading focusing on errors and consistency; often done on designed books before they go to print.

Select Books I’ve Worked On

Larger Than Yourself by Thibault Manekin, published by New World Library

Kneel by Candace Buford, published by Inkyard

My Father Took Pictures, by Gary Vikan

The Holy Shroud: A Brilliant Hoax in the Time of the Black Death, by Gary Vikan, published by Pegasus Books

At First Blush, by Beth Ellyn Summer, published by Bloomsbury Spark

You’ll Miss Me When I’m Gone by Rachel Lynn Solomon, published by Simon Pulse

Watch You Burn by Amanda Searcy, published by Delacorte

Demon in the Whitelands, by Nikki Richard, published by Month9Books

Baltimore Love Project Book, by Rafael Alvarez

Ghost at Dusk by Kevan Dale

The Magic of Unkindness by Kevan Dale

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