Tracy C. Gold


Writing Classes in Baltimore: Sounding Sea Writers’ Workshop Launches

Sounding Sea Writers' WorkshopIf you want to become a better writer, check out Sounding Sea Writers’ Workshop’s first classes. I started Sounding Sea with three classmates from The University of Baltimore back in January, and we have been working hard to nail down the details and bring these classes to reality.

Here are the first four classes we are offering. I am so excited about these professors! If you can’t make these dates, or don’t live in Baltimore, Sounding Sea also provides personal writing tutors. Email to inquire.

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Essay in Baltimore Fishbowl: White Privilege and Police Brutality

Today, Baltimore Fishbowl published my essay, “On White Privilege, Police Brutality, and Baltimore.”

Here’s a snippet—head to the Fishbowl to read the full article.

“I’m white, and I live in a neighborhood of yuppies near the water in Baltimore City. So, I can’t speak to what it’s like for the folks affected by police brutality. But I can speak to what it’s like to deal with police when you’re a stupid, white teenager.”


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5 Reasons Why You Should Go to CreateBaltimore on 2/16

CreateBaltimore at MICABaltimoreans: ever complained about your city? Do something about it when you come to CreateBaltimore next Saturday, 2/16 at Johns Hopkins.  Here’s five reasons why heading to CreateBaltimore will make Baltimore a better city—for you and for all of us.

Disclaimer: I’m helping to organize CreateBaltimore this year. But I wouldn’t write all this if it weren’t true! Read the rest of this entry »

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