Tracy C. Gold


How to Write a Picture Book Query Letter (Template and Example) 

on April 27, 2023

I have great news about picture book query letters: they can be extremely short and simple! Many authors agonize over query letters for novels and memoirs because they are key in convincing an agent to read a whole book. Picture books, on the other hand, are so short that agents are likely to at least skim the whole book as long as the query letter is half-decent. Back when I was an agent intern going through query letters, that’s certainly what I did.

Of course, you should still carefully compose a solid query letter, but much of the advice you’ll find online about query letters is geared toward longer books. So, here’s my take on writing a picture book query letter (with an example of my own successful letter).

Keep in mind that traditional publishers find the illustrators for their books. You only need to submit the manuscript and there’s no need to mention an illustrator. If you’re an author/illustrator, read to the bottom for some tips just for you!

Follow the basic template you’d use for any book: the hook, the book, and the cook. 

  • “The hook” is your elevator pitch—how would you describe the book in 30 seconds to intrigue someone? 
  • “The book” is your longer description of the book—if you need it—and how that book fits into the market. As you’ll see in my example below, I only used “the hook” to describe my book on its own, and the next paragraph was describing my book in relation to other published books. I didn’t want to say my own book was the next “Goodnight Moon” or “Go the F*ck to Sleep,” but I knew my book was in conversation with those books, so I found a way to work them in. In addition, I included titles published by Familius to show that my book would be a good fit for them. When you’re writing to an agent and not directly to a publisher, it’s much harder to find books they’ve worked on. I would not even try to look this up, but rather just use any relevant book that has been published in the last few years. 
  • “The cook” is your bio. Keep this very short and sweet. If you have relevant expertise, include it—for example, if you teach kids how to sail, and your book is about a sailboat, or you’re a shark researcher writing about sharks, definitely say so. 

Note: for novels and memoirs, you’ll hear that you should not give away the ending in the query letter. For a picture book, I would 100% give away the ending. Reading a longer book is an immersive experience and you might need the suspense to keep agents turning the page. Yes, some picture books rely on suspense, too, but the agent/editor is going to see the ending in about two minutes once they skim your manuscript, so you might as well get them surprised/chuckling about the ending in the query.

After your query, unless the submission guidelines say otherwise, I would recommend pasting your book below your query and attaching it. Say so in your email, and include the courtesy line “This is a simultaneous submission” if you’re writing to more than one agent or publisher. If you’re writing to agents, you can add something like “I would be happy to send along other picture books if you’re interested,” as agents generally like to see multiple picture books before signing a new client.

Picture Book Query Letter Example

Below is my successful query for “Everyone’s Sleepy but the Baby” (affiliate link). 

In hindsight, I also would have included the word count in the first line (“Everyone’s Sleepy but the Baby” is an 89-word picture book showing…). It didn’t count against me, though, as Familius wrote back in a week and said they wanted to publish my book! Woohoo! (Note—it doesn’t normally happen that quickly!)

Dear Familius editors,

“Everyone’s Sleepy but the Baby” is a picture book showing the entire family and house getting ready to go to bed–even though the baby’s not sleepy at all!

As the parent of a toddler, I know the value of books that help woo a baby to sleep, from the classic “Goodnight Moon” to the popular baby shower gag gift “Go the F*ck to Sleep.” With spare text, “Everyone’s Sleepy but the Baby” acknowledges parents’ frustration but is certainly meant to be read to babies at bedtime, like Familius titles “At the Stroke of Goodnight” and “Goodnight Whispers.”

I am a writer, teacher, editor, and mom living in Baltimore, Maryland. My writing has been published in YARN, Youth Imagination, The Stoneslide Corrective, and several other magazines. I am the social media and membership coordinator for my region of SCBWI. I am active on Instagram (@tracycgold) and Twitter (@tracycgold).

I have attached the book and pasted it below.

This is a simultaneous submission.


Tracy Gold

What if I Illustrate My Own Books?

You must be very talented! Different agents and publishers have different guidelines for this situation, so make sure you check their websites. You generally do not need a fully illustrated book. If in doubt send the following elements:

  • A query letter as above. I would add a sentence saying “I have included sample illustrations and a dummy for the book, but I am open to having a different illustrator.” (If that is true, of course!)
  • The text alone pasted below the query and/or attached
  • A picture book “dummy” with sketches of the entire layout of the book (here’s a good guideline for making those!)
  • A few full color sample illustrations for the book
  • A link to your online portfolio of illustrations (some guidelines here)

Make sure the files you are sending aren’t too large. This is a benefit of not sending a full book of color illustrations (as well as the time you’ll save by not illustrating the whole book before querying!).

Keep an open mind about who will illustrate your book. I have accomplished author/illustrator friends who sometimes have other illustrators illustrate their books. This can be because a publisher wants a more famous illustrator, or because the book’s tone is a better match for a different illustrator.

On the flip side, sometimes an agent or publisher may not like the text of whatever you’re submitting, but may want to hire you to illustrate a different project. Having a good online portfolio can open up those opportunities.

In Conclusion

That’s it! If those post helps you find your agent or publisher, I’d love to hear about it. If you would like more help, I work as an editor and have helped many authors with their picture books and query letters—feel free to reach out at Here is a basic description of my on-demand editing service for short works. If you’re feeling like you want to read more on this topic, take a look at this post from Reedsy with another example of a picture book query letter (I helped with the post and do a lot of editing work via Reedsy!).

I also have a post about etiquette for querying literary agents and one called “I Wrote a Picture Book. Now What?” which covers some basics about the picture book writing and publishing process. I also have an on-demand course, “Writing and Publishing Picture Books: A Quick and Fun Beginner’s Guide,” which goes into far more detail than any blog post. If you’re into rhyme, check out my on-demand class “How to Write Rhyming Picture Books.” Have any other questions? Let me know in the comments. Maybe I’ll write a post about them! 

open old book on a rustic wooden table

41 Responses to “How to Write a Picture Book Query Letter (Template and Example) ”

  1. thank you so much!!!

  2. Jackie Brady says:

    Hi Tracy,
    I love your website post on writing a picture book query letter.
    My picture book “Hugo and Hamlet” is finished and I need to figure out the nuts and bolts of publishing. I did join SCBWI. Thank you for this excellent information! Jackie

  3. Lilly says:

    Are children’s books primarily what used to be called chapter book? Are Picture books mostly pictures and less written content?

    I sent a question regarding query letters for children’s books to a children’s book author who stated that he was happy to help but then received a reply stating that he didn’t do picture books and to please kindly find someone else to seek for my assistance. I have to admit that I was a bit miffed. I have a finished manuscript but now I’m not sure if it’s a picture book or a children’s book.

    • Hi Lilly,
      Picture books are normally under 1,000 words and every page is fully illustrated. Chapter books are longer and encompass a very wide variety because they range from being for kids just learning to read to kids who are also reading full novels. For a longer picture book, sometimes it’s confusing which category it should aim for. Sometimes much longer picture books are published as well (normally for non-fiction). You can feel free to reach out to me at with more details!


  4. Peggy says:

    Is the general approach the same for narrative non-fiction books?

    • Hi Peggy,

      Yes, this approach would be the same for a narrative non-fiction picture book. If you’re talking about a longer book, though, like for adults, you would follow query guidelines for novels/memoirs and you may also need a book proposal.

  5. […] you learn better by example, check out these sample query letters by Tracy C. Gold, Rajani LaRocca,  and Jodi […]

  6. tom scheibal says:

    Hi Tracy,
    I have illustrated a wordless children book and
    I am a fairly accomplish artest.
    Would I send copies of all illustrations to the agent?

    • Hi Tom,
      I am not super experienced with books like that, but I would say that you could probably send either a dummy or the full illustrations (if the illustrations are done you might as well send them, but no need to do full illustrations in the future). You may also want to consider finding an agent who specializes in representing illustrators rather than writers, particularly if you’d be open to illustrating other people’s books; the landscape is different for illustrators and I’m not as well versed in it.


  7. April says:

    What would be your suggestion for an author bio section for an author who has no real “expertise” other than being a mother who loves to write?

    • That’s fine! Many writers don’t have “expertise” before they get their first book out into the world. If you have a day job or a fun hobby, you could include that for kicks. But keep it short!

  8. Hi Tracy,

    I have a bit of a dum question but, is the Query letter the same as the Email Text, or should it be a separate attached file to the email?
    I’m an Children’s book illustrator traveling to Bologna this year and will look after publishers for my stories there and after the fair.
    Thank you so much for posting this, is really helpful


  9. Nick Austin says:

    Hi Tracy – great advice thank you – how do you deal with sending a large file by email? I am putting together a submission but even 5 example pages is 20mb and I’m wondering if agents generally eschew embedded links, to say a dropbox file, for security reasons?


    • Hi Nick,

      I haven’t personally sent out large illustrations so I’m not sure what’s most common (hopefully submission guidelines will help!). Yes, you want to avoid large attachments. Dropbox links are pretty commonly used in the industry but I would also recommend having a more public display of your illustrations so agents know you’re legit (social media or a website). You may also be able to save your files in a more low-res way to send them out for querying. Make sure you label well!

  10. Emma says:

    Hey if I am submitting via email what should I put in the subject?
    If I’m only submitting to one publisher do I just leave off simultaneous submission?

    Should I include all of my contact information in the attached manuscript if I’m doing an email submission?

    • Hi Emma,
      Many agents/publishers have specific guidelines for the subject line. If not, keep it simple.

      Something like:
      Submission: YOUR BOOK’S TITLE

      Yes, leave off simultaneous submission if it’s not. Indeed, many publishers/agents will assume it’s simultaneous, so it’s not absolutely necessary to include that unless they specifically ask you to.

      In an email signature, I normally include my website, phone number, and social media links. Physical addresses are becoming less relevant in the publishing world so I wouldn’t worry about that. (Of course, your eventual publisher will need your physical address for tax info if nothing else!).

  11. Thank you. I’m a professional artist that also likes to write and I don’t know how to present myself, but you have given me some very helpful information.
    ☮️ Pamela Pooma Bruno

  12. Sophia Micciche says:

    Hi Tracy,

    Two of my books are in two languages and also are completely formatted with my own illustrations. Should I include both languages and the illustrations/formatting?

    • Hi Sophia, I would follow the instructions on submission guidelines for author/illustrators and probably choose just one to send (the language of the person you’re submitting it to). A text-only version is a good idea to have for any agents/publishers who don’t want you to send them illustrations.

  13. Hi Tracy,
    Thank you for this wealth of info!

    I’m wondering how I might submit if I am the author half of a duo. My co-creator is the illustrator and we create our books as a team, but nobody seems to want that pairing. Could we still submit to an agency/publisher who accepts “author/illustrators”? I would hate for them to think we didn’t follow the guidelines but there doesn’t seem to be a category for us.

    • That is definitely tough! You could submit following the author/illustrator guidelines, but it would also be worth splitting up and sending your work separately and doing some projects on your own. Once you are more established, it will be easier to request working as a team.

  14. I just completed an illustrated picture book and found this article to be extremely helpful. Thank you so much! I will be emailing u for more information on your assistance. I even want to go find your book!

  15. Arlene says:

    Hi Tracy,
    I have been writing my entire life,
    and was first published in a children’s magazine in the early 90’s. I have recently completed my first picture book and have hired an illustrator. Was that a mistake?! Are there agents who will accept a manuscript that has already been illustrated?
    Thank You.

    • Hi Arlene,

      Yup, for traditional publishing, that was a mistake. Is the illustrator still working? I’ve heard of Schiffer Publishing taking some author/illustrator collaborations, but when money has changed hands before the agent/publisher gets involved, it makes everything more complex. You could either cancel your work with the illustrator (with whatever kill fee is fair) or think about self publishing if they are done.

  16. Toni Caraccio-Hewitt says:

    Hi Tracy,

    I’m very new to writing, at the age of 55 and having an incredibly inspiring 3 year old granddaughter who loves books I decided to write one for her. Well this has somewhat escalated, I now have four out of six written of the series. How would you recommend I approach a literary agent having multiple books?
    Your advice would be much appreciated, thank you in advance.

  17. Dan Herauf says:

    Hi Tracy. Thanks for this information. Very helpful, indeed.

    I am a little confused between ‘picture’ books and ‘board’ books. For the information you provided above, would there be different considerations for ‘board books’ vs. ‘picture books?’ And who decides if the book should be a ‘board’ book vs. a (paper page) ‘picture’ book?

    Thanks, Tracy, for any insights you can provide.

    • Hi Dan,

      You bet!

      Typically, board books are a harder sell as they are expensive to produce but consumers have an expectation of a low price point. Very few publishers are printing original board books these days and it is normally the publisher who will make a call on board book vs. picture book. You could mention in a query that your manuscript may make a good board book, but I would aim for a paper picture book if you can.

  18. Tanya says:

    Hi Tracy.

    I have been sitting on three or four picture books that I have been working on over the last few years, all different, and am finally getting the gumption to move forward. Would you recommend sending only one at a time? Or, should I send two or three together?


    • Hi Tanya,
      In the US, agents typically prefer getting one at a time. I’ve heard that it’s different in the UK and agents there like to get more than one at a time. Make sure to look at the submission guidelines for each particular agent/publisher.

  19. David Cohen says:

    Hi Tracey,

    Thank you for a great thorough explanation. I think I may have done things a little differently – I wrote and illustrated my children’s book and completely finished it. Do you think an agent would still be interested?

    Thank you!

    • Hi David,

      Yes, but I would probably still send the manuscript as text only, and prepare a portfolio of sample illustrations. Agents like working with people who are both accomplished writers and accomplished illustrators!

  20. Julie Knapp says:

    I have never had a book published. I’m a therapist and group facilitator at a treatment/recovery center and write short story boards to prompt clients to address mental health themes and create art around the messages they take away from the themes in the books. The “book” is in story board format with simple pictures/ messages that stimulate deep thinking and good conversations with adolescent and adult clients through simple, playful style for young kids. I suspect the book buyers would be teachers counselors and parents who want to stimulate conversations with their children about topics like anxiety, fear, inclusion and self esteem. Any ideas about who it would be best to consider the target audience, the kids or teachers counselors and parents?

    • Hi Julie,

      I think your gut is that it’s essentially non-fiction to help teachers, counselors, and parents. I would scaffold it in that way! Maybe there is a short picture book around this that is something else, too?

  21. Bobbi Johnson says:

    I was wondering if you send the actual picture book manuscript to a literary agent when submitting a query letter? Or do you just send the query letter with your suggested format but don’t send the actual picture book manuscript unless they reply and ask for it.
    Thank you!

    • Hi Bobbi,

      Most of the time, agents will specify exactly what they want in their submission guidelines. If you’re not sure, send the query and the picture book pasted below.

      • Bobbi Johnson says:

        Hi Tracy, thank you for your reply. I will make sure to check the specific guidelines and/or paste the picture book below my query. Thanks again!

  22. Aly B Murgas says:

    Your advice is greatly appreciated! Question for you… I wrote and illustrated a children’s board book with my son, self-published it, printed it and we sell it at our family coffeeshop and on a website. I now have a few other book ideas that I want to pitch to agents. If I send a query letter for a new book idea, should I mention the book that I self published or will that go against me?

    • Hi Aly,

      If you’ve sold over a few thousand copies, I would mention the board book and the sales number. Otherwise, I don’t think it will make a difference other than making your query letter longer. Best of luck!

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