Tracy C. Gold


A Big Move, and What’s Next for Me

on May 24, 2012

Yesterday was my last day of working full time for Right Source Marketing. No, I don’t have another job lined up.

And I’m not looking for one.

Instead, I’m taking action on every “live each day like it’s your last” cliché. I’m pursuing my dream of writing, editing, and teaching fiction and poetry.

For the foreseeable future, I’ll be:

  • Writing an adventure novel, first draft to be completed by Labor Day.
  • Contracting as a marketer, writer, and editor.
  • Updating this blog with the same quality of marketing and writing advice you saw from me on Marketing Trenches, with some personal stories and creative tips thrown in.
  • Speaking about social media networking and marketing, from a corporate and personal standpoint.
  • Volunteering for a few non-profits and reviving my commitment to community service.
  • Designing a lifestyle that focuses on working smart, not working hard.
  • Reading books that enrich and amaze me.
  • Marching to my own beat, running, biking, riding horses, and traveling the world.

Deciding to take this leap was both terrifying and exciting. Right Source does great work, I learned a ton as an employee there, and I will be sad to lose the day-to-day support of a wonderful team. Yet, at least for now, this is the right choice. I know that a traditional career in the business world is not for me.

Have a book to recommend? A marketing, writing, or editing project you need a creative, strategic contractor for? Interested in social media training for your employees? Simply want to get in touch? Shoot me a note at, and don’t be surprised if I suggest we go for a hike or bike ride instead of a coffee!

One Response to “A Big Move, and What’s Next for Me”

  1. cgold says:

    You go girl!

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