
Tracy C. Gold


Should Your Content Marketing Preach to the Choir?

Done right, content marketing grows your audience beyond people who already get the point and buy your product or service. With content marketing, you can preach to those who aren’t yet ardent voices of your choir.

Should your content marketing preach to the choir?

Yet there is value in taking time, every now and then, to preach to the choir. I write about this now because of a recent conversation with a fellow content marketer. I was spouting off ideas of blogs where he could distribute content. When I brought up a popular, well-read blog in his industry, he objected, saying publishing there would be too much “preaching to the choir.” The people who read that blog, he argued, aren’t buyers. They’re other vendors, or companies who are already working with another vendor.

In the real-life conversation, I conceded his point without pushing back. But since we talked, I’ve been thinking about how preaching to the choir is actually a very important part of content marketing.

Here are a few reasons why: Read the rest of this entry »

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