Tracy C. Gold


5 Reasons Why You Should Go to CreateBaltimore on 2/16

on February 8, 2013

CreateBaltimore at MICABaltimoreans: ever complained about your city? Do something about it when you come to CreateBaltimore next Saturday, 2/16 at Johns Hopkins.  Here’s five reasons why heading to CreateBaltimore will make Baltimore a better city—for you and for all of us.

Disclaimer: I’m helping to organize CreateBaltimore this year. But I wouldn’t write all this if it weren’t true!

  1. You get to guide the content. If there’s a problem—or an opportunity—you’re passionate about, you can suggest a session about it. If others at the event are also excited about that topic, you’ll get to come together with a room full of co-conspirators. Suggest your topic when you buy your tickets or on the morning at the event.
  2. You’ll meet amazing people.  You could meet the next volunteer for your non-profit, your next employee, your next boss…or even your next boyfriend. (Guilty of that one here from CreateBaltimore 1, I’ve still kept him around.)  Check out the current rock star attendee list. We’re working really hard to reach out to new audiences so you’ll be likely to meet people you haven’t met before, which is key in Smalltimore.
  3. You’ll find out about awesome projects. Chances are, if you’re passionate about a given issue in Baltimore, there are many organizations out there already working on that issue. These projects need your support. CreateBaltimore is all about coming together to find out how we can work together and partner to make change.
  4. You get a designer t-shirt. It’s one good-looking design, from Baltimore’s own @flygirlblog. Check out more details and a sneak peek of it here.
  5. You’ll leave inspired. Personally, when I leave CreateBaltimore, I’m filled with hope for Baltimore. The day’s focus is on the solution, not the problem. Spend your Saturday talking about important issues with intelligent people.

Get your tickets before they sell out (they will). Hope to see you there!

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