Tracy C. Gold


Get thee to an Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros Show—or at least to the 9:30 Club

Shock and disgust: the reaction I’m used to getting from friends who live in the DC area when they find out that I, lover of live music as I am, have never been to DC’s 9:30 Club. No more can they scorn me, because last night, my 9:30 Club virginity was taken by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, and it couldn’t have been a more lovin’ affair.

Before, I was a casual fan of their hits—you may know “Janglin” from the Ford Fiesta commercial featuring the song—but didn’t know or care much for the rest of their music. Yet, with 10 band members, and special guests occasionally accompanying them, these wild haired hippies know how to lay down a show.

The show was not without its suspense. While waiting for tickets, we all saw Jade Castrinos, one of the band’s leads, climb into a cab, looking characteristically jolly. We checked our watches and wondered where she was going off to 30 minutes before the show was supposed to start. The tension built up as we waited for the show to start. Sure enough, the show was delayed about 30 minutes on account of a missing Jade.

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