Tracy C. Gold



“Call Your Mother”

Call Your Mother Picture Book

“Call Your Mother” celebrates all the moments when kids rely on their mothers, from infancy to when they are parents themselves. This book is inspired by my own changing relationship with my mother when I became a parent–and by my grandpa’s continuous reminders to my dad–“Carl, call your mother!” It is illustrated by Vivian Mineker. You are never too old to need your mother. The perfect gift for the mothers or grandmothers in your life who always answer the call!

If you’d like signed copies of any of my books, I can sign copies when I do events at local bookstores for either pickup or shipping, even if you can’t make the event. I have events coming up in Spring 2024 at The Ivy Bookshop (May 5th), Snug Books (April 20th), and Park Books (May 4th). It is probably best if you check in with me if you’re planning to do this just in case and I’m also happy to send you event info (email is best– In your order comments, write the name(s) you’d like me to sign and anything else you’d like me to know.

You can also order from your local bookstore (your best bet is to call or order online).

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“Hide and Seek, Nuts to Eat”

“Hide and Seek, Nuts to Eat” follows a squirrel who stashes food for the winter…and is delighted when some seeds grow into yummy plants the next spring. Readers will learn about what squirrels eat and how their seed caching behavior helps forests grow. Plus, all the antics you’d expect from a squirrel, like outsmarting dogs! This book was published by Sourcebooks on September 5, 2023 and is illustrated by Nancy Leschnikoff.

The Ivy Bookshop

Amazon (affiliate link)




Barnes & Noble

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“Trick or Treat, Bugs to Eat”

"Trick or Treat, Bugs to Eat": Halloween book by Tracy C. Gold

“Trick or Treat, Bugs to Eat,” a book about a bat trick or treating for bugs, was published by Sourcebooks eXplore in August 2021 and is illustrated by Nancy Leschnikoff. This Halloween book is great for kids up to age 8 to celebrate Halloween and learn about bats.

Grab it from my local bookstore in Baltimore, The Ivy Bookshop, or from your local bookstore (your best bet is to call or order online).

Amazon (affiliate link)




Barnes & Noble

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“Everyone’s Sleepy but the Baby”

Everyone's Sleepy but the Baby, baby shower gift book

“Everyone’s Sleepy but the Baby,” a board book about a baby who just won’t fall asleep, was published by Familius in April 2021 and is illustrated by Adele Dafflon. This short and sweet story makes an excellent baby shower gift book. It makes a great book for before bedtime or a nap. 

Sleepy Mommy,
Sleepy Daddy,
Sleepy little dog.
Everyone’s sleepy
But the baby,
Yawn, yawn, yawn.

After a long day, the whole family is ready to hit the hay . . . except for the baby. Why is it so hard to get the baby to sleep? With hilarious illustrations that might hit a little too close to home for new parents, Everyone’s Sleepy but the Baby is the perfect, true-to-life bedtime story that will help even the most reluctant sleeper wind down for bed.

Buy directly from the publisher, Familius

Buy on Amazon (affiliate link)

Grab it from one of my local bookstores in Baltimore, The Ivy Bookshop, or from your local bookstore (your best bet is to call or order online).



Barnes and Noble

Add it as “Want to Read” and see reviews on Goodreads

Other Selected/Sporadically Updated Published Writing from Tracy

Short Fiction

“Break” in Stonecoast Review: buy issue here

“Impossibly Back” in Youth Imagination; read here

“Parker” in The Stoneslide Corrective; read here; won honorable mention in The Stoneslide Story Contest

“Accident” in YARN: read here

“Accident” in “The Female Complaint,” an anthology from Shade Mountain Press

“Her Boy” in 50-Word Stories: read here

“Pie” in Refractions

“Average Andy Almond” in Un-Bloc Zine


“Love” in “Erase the Patriarchy: An Anthology of Erasure Poetry” edited by Isobel O’Hare and published by University of Hell Press: order here

“Swallowed” in Reject 2 Zine

“Talk” in Welter


Baltimore Writers’ Club: Author Tracy C. Gold on Pandemic Parenting and Her Debut Picture Bookin The Baltimore Fishbowl: read here 

“Why the Luckiest Moms Get To Ride Horses: Welcome, Chrissy Teigen” in The Chronicle of the Horse: read here

“Nextdoor Roland Park tells you what residents really think about black kids in the neighborhood” in The Baltimore Sunread here

“8 Lies They Told Me About Breastfeeding” in Thought Catalog:read here

“Legacy of Love and Courage” in Homefront Cooking

“On White Privilege, Police Brutality, and Baltimore” in Baltimore Fishbowlread here

“Sextortion as Institutionalized Oppression: Before the Violence” in What Weekly

“43 Words and Phrases to Search for When Polishing Your Novel” in Adventures in YA Publishingread here

On Marketing

For the Content Marketing Institute:

“10 Steps to Optimize Your Content Marketing Plan” in Chief Content Officer

“9 Ways to Use Content Marketing as a Recruiting Tool”

“The Ultimate SEO Checklist: 15 Steps to Optimize Your Content Marketing Plan”

Content Strategy: 9 Secrets for Awesome Blog Post Titles

“A Food Pyramid for Content Marketing”

“10 Ways to Write Like a Content Marketing Jedi”

“12 Lessons for Focusing Your Content Marketing Strategy on Education”

“What Makes a Good Blog Post: 10 Tips for Corporate Bloggers”

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