Tracy C. Gold


8+ Awesome Web Writing and Editing Resources

on March 24, 2013

Need help on a web writing project? On Tuesday, 3/26, 2013 at Betamore, I’m teaching a web writing and editing workshop. If you’re near Baltimore, sign up!

Edit: The class is over, but you can sign up to get notified for the next one at the end of this post. Also, any resources after resource 8 have been added after the original post was published.

To prepare for the class, I’m compiling a list of resources attendees can draw on long after the class is over, and I thought I would share them here.

Here are some of the many great resources you can use to help you become a better web writer and editor.  I’ll also be posting slides here after the class.

    1. Grammar Girl explains grammar quandaries in plain English.
    2. The AP Stylebook Online has an affordable yearly subscription which provides definitive answers.
    3. The Elements of Style is a book anyone who ever writes anything should read. It’s also available free for Kindle/Cloud Reader.
    4. Copyblogger is an immensely useful blog about web writing.
    5. The Content Marketing Institute publishes a post every day with tips ranging from high-level content strategy down to tactical content creation.
    6. 12 Tips for Keyword Selection is a checklist for SEO optimization which was posted on the Content Marketing Institute’s blog.
    7. 9 Secrets for Awesome Blog Post Titles is another post from the Content Marketing Institute, written by yours truly, with tips on writing awesome titles.
    8. This meta data template that I created will help you automatically count characters and take keywords into account when you’re writing meta titles and descriptions. Using something like this is especially helpful when you’re rewriting meta data for a large volume of pages. Make a copy of the Google Doc to edit.
    9. Good Grammar Should Be Everyone’s Business sums up an awesome study about career success and grammar mistakes. Thanks to Yvonne Lyons for posting this on LinkedIn!
    10. The slides from Tuesday’s web writing and editing class walk you through what we learned in class, without the interactive portions.
    11. MarketingProfs’ Marketing Writing Bootcamp is an online course that takes a deep dive into writing for the web. I’m looking forward to teaching a class on communication and grammar as part of this year’s Bootcamp.

Please comment with any resources you rely on, and I can add them to the definitive list. Hope to see you Tuesday!

Edit: Sign up to be notified about my next class here:


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